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Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know about Veneers

Posted on August 27th, 2024

Cosmetic dental procedures havePineville dentist, Dr. Gauthier at Today's Dental fills you in on everything you want to know about veneers. come a long way in the past decade. With better imaging technology and on-site milling, patients are receiving better quality, better-looking, cosmetic dentistry than ever before. Depending on your desired outcome, porcelain veneers may be a great way to enhance your smile. However, with the various options, it’s good to know what is out there in order to make an informed choice. As always, we’re here to offer a free consult, just call Today’s Dental

The Basics

Veneers are thin shells that adhere to the teeth in order to produce a smooth, straight, white appearance. Veneers can correct many dental issues including:

  • Crooked teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Overlapping teeth
  • Discolored teeth

When you decide to get veneers, you should be prepared for several appointments. During your first appointment the doctor will examine your teeth, take x-rays images, and photos. He or she will go over the procedure and detail the steps he or she will take to get your perfect smile. You will discuss the color and shade of the veneers, how many teeth will be covered, and how long the procedure will take. Depending on the type of veneers and the technology available, you may be able to preview your results before you begin! On your procedure day, we will make sure you are comfortable and relaxed. For some procedures local anesthesia is used. To make sure the veneers adhere well to your natural teeth, there is etching or preparing of the natural tooth that happens first. The amount of natural tooth that is etched or shaved down depends on the type of veneer you choose. Then, once the teeth are prepped, the doctor will bond the individual veneers to the teeth. Sometimes you will leave that appointment with temporary veneers, sometimes you leave with your final veneers—again, it depends on the specific procedure. If you need to come back for a final fitting, you will come back one more time to get your final veneers! 

Traditional Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are a tried and true procedure for people looking for a smile makeover. Typically, you will be fitted with temporary veneers before your final set is complete. Porcelain is a wonderful material as it looks very natural and is stain and odor resistant. 


Lumineers are a popular request by patients. They are a specific brand of veneers that are as thin as a contact lens and require very little prep of the natural teeth. Ask Today’s Dental if you are a good candidate for Lumineers at your next appointment. 

CEREC Same Day Veneers

If you are interested in veneers in a single appointment, some dentists have an in-office machine that can make your custom veneers in a single visit. After taking a series of images the machine custom mills the veneer in a matter of minutes. The technology allows you to go home with your permanent veneers instead of temporaries. Ask Today’s Dental about CEREC same day veneers.

If you are curious about veneers, we would love to discuss the option with you! Give Today’s Dental a call today to schedule a free consultation.

The content of this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.

Written by Jonas E. Gauthier

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