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Posted August 28, 2023 / Blog, Patient Care
Jonas E. Gauthier

Mouthwash: More Harm Than Good?

At Today’s Dental Pineville, we know a lot of people feel they’re adding a layer of tooth decay and gum disease prevention to their oral hygiene routines when they swish with mouthwash—which may be true, but it depends on the mouthwash. If you floss and brush properly, mouthwash isn’t always necessary, and certain types could even […]

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Posted August 16, 2023 / Blog, Dental Health, Patient Care
Jonas E. Gauthier

Is it Time to Toss that Toothbrush?

When you find a toothbrush that’s just right for you, it can be easy to get attached. After all, you use your toothbrush morning and night (ideally) to prevent plaque and bacteria from hardening and becoming tartar—that’s what we like to call quality time!  When your toothbrush does so much good, you want to return […]

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Posted July 27, 2023 / Blog, Dental Technology
Jonas E. Gauthier

How Long Will I Have to Wear a Retainer?

You’ve worn your braces or aligners kept your checkup appointments, and followed treatment instructions from Dr. Jonas Gauthier at Today’s Dental Pineville. You love your new smile, but it’s not over yet—how long will you have to wear a retainer? There are two types of retainers: removable and fixed. Removable retainers are taken out of […]

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Posted July 13, 2023 / Blog, Dental Technology
Jonas E. Gauthier

Mail-Order Braces: Buyer Beware

Mail-order braces are a controversial dental topic, and Dr. Jonas Gauthier of Today’s Dental Pineville weighs in today. Direct-to-consumer orthodontics companies make many appealing promises—no dental visits, aligners delivered to your door, and lower costs. But are the risks worth it? Not according to this consumer alert from the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO). As […]

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Posted June 27, 2023 / Blog, Dental Technology
Jonas E. Gauthier

What Does Your Dentist Have Up Their Sleeve? Tools of the Dental Trade

Unless you’re frequently using your teeth as scissors or a nail file (we hope you aren’t!), the most common things placed in your mouth are food, beverages, eating utensils, and your oral hygiene BFFs: floss and toothbrushes. This script gets flipped when you visit your Pineville dentist, though. At Today’s Dental, we utilize a few […]

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Posted April 13, 2023 / Blog, Patient Care
Jonas E. Gauthier

How NOT to Pull a Loose Tooth

We’ve all seen variations of DIY methods when it comes to pulling loose baby teeth: the string and door slam method is by far one of the most popular (although we’re not sure why). But our team at Today’s Dental is here to advise against this and similarly aggressive techniques so your kiddo will have […]

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