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Patient Care

Posted April 13, 2022 / Blog, Patient Care
Jonas E. Gauthier

Don’t Get Kicked in the Teeth! The Importance of Mouthguards in Sports Safety

It’s no secret that residents of Pineville love sports! The folks around here work hard and play just as hard, whether it’s football, baseball, basketball, or numerous other high-impact sports that can cause harm to your family’s mouths—at least 13% of all oral injuries happen during sports activities. Today’s Dental wants you to know how […]

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Posted February 27, 2022 / Blog, Patient Care
Jonas E. Gauthier

Choosing the Right Dentist

It’s no secret that Pineville residents are careful about how they choose medical professionals for their family, but sometimes it’s not easy to find everything you want in a dentist. Today’s Dental understands that choosing a dentist is no small feat, so we’ve put together this guide to picking a dentist for individuals and families.  […]

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Posted February 13, 2022 / Blog, Patient Care
Jonas E. Gauthier

How to Clean Teeth Like a Dentist

Oral hygiene is the foundation of good dental health. Brushing and flossing regularly is the best way to keep your smile healthy and clean. Consider this your personal cleaning tutorial on the art of dental hygiene, instructed by Dr. Jonas Gauthier and the skillful hygienists at Today’s Dental. Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Floss & Mouthwash Before we […]

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Posted September 27, 2021 / Blog, Patient Care
Jonas E. Gauthier

An Alkaline Diet for Oral Health

Acids and bases might sound like something from far back in your memory, like middle-school science class, but the concept is still very applicable to every aspect of life today. The foods and beverages you consume daily have a very big effect on your oral health and overall health, for better or worse. You can […]

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Posted July 13, 2021 / Blog, Patient Care
Jonas E. Gauthier

An Alkaline Diet for Oral Health

Acids and bases might sound like something from far back in your memory, like middle-school science class, but the concept is still very applicable to every aspect of life today. The foods and beverages you consume daily have a very big effect on your oral health and overall health, for better or worse. You can […]

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Posted June 27, 2021 / Blog, Dental Health, Patient Care
Jonas E. Gauthier

Relief from Dry, Chapped & Cracked Lips

We’re no strangers to extreme temperatures and dry weather, and our lips are proof. Most of us experience chapped lips at some point during the year; it’s not uncommon to see lips suffering from annoying, painful cracks. Here at Today’s Dental we keep abreast of the oral health needs of Pineville, so here are a […]

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Posted May 21, 2021 / Blog, Patient Care
Jonas E. Gauthier

Dental Insurance Trends

Above any other medical need, people are more likely to skip seeing the dentist because they can’t afford it. Many people choose not to buy dental insurance because it’s an added cost without a lot of perceived value. For some reason, people simply feel more comfortable taking this risk because they don’t fully understand the […]

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Posted April 27, 2021 / Blog, Patient Care
Jonas E. Gauthier

Can You Treat a Toothache at Home?

When you’re suddenly struck with a toothache, floating ideas of home remedies may quickly come to mind. Whether you heard it from your great-aunt or saw it on Pinterest, at-home treatments are everywhere. Pineville dentist, Dr. Jonas Gauthier can explain more about how to care for a toothache and when to come in for a […]

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Posted February 27, 2021 / Blog, Dental Health, Patient Care
Jonas E. Gauthier

Oral Health & Alzheimer’s

Did you know that unhealthy gums might put your brain at risk?  Alzheimer’s is a form of dementia, which harms your memory, ability to think, and can cause changes in your personality. It’s very common and usually affects people aged 60 and over. And, Alzheimer’s might be significantly more likely to happen if your mouth […]

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